The RB Leipzig Funding Initiative: Strengthening The Leipzig Football Region Together

The RB Leipzig Funding Initiative: Strengthening The Leipzig Football Region Together

RB Leipzig presents an extensive youth project to promote popular sports | Sport and exercise offerings at primary schools and daycare centres will be significantly expanded | Training and further education opportunities for coaches

Win-Win-Win Situation! 

RB Leipzig is taking the next step in its youth ranks and on Wednesday, January 17th. The "RBL Funding Initiative" was presented to around 50 Leipzig football clubs at Red Bull Arena. The goal: to inspire as many children as possible in Leipzig for sport and exercise, to promote young talent in the best possible way and to support coaches in their daily work - for the young talent, for the region, for everyone.

The RB Leipzig funding initiative: Working together to strengthen the Leipzig football region.


Healthy promotion of young talent begins at schools and daycare centres. Therefore, RB Leipzig wants to live up to its social role even more in the future and get more children into sport. 

At the start of the new school year, the Bundesliga club is significantly expanding its commitment and doubling the extensive exercise and sports opportunities from 15 to 30 primary schools and 10 daycare centres in the future. The profit calculation: RB Leipzig hope to get 1,400 children moving every week and inspire them to lead an active lifestyle.


The coaches play a crucial role in optimal support. In order to support and develop them further, RB Leipzig is introducing a certificate course "RBL children's training", as well as special modules with individual courses such as "crash course children's coaching" or "parents as coaches".

Important: Registration is free and is available to all coaches in the region.

RB Leipzig starts funding initiative.


In addition to daycare centres and primary schools, players and coaches, RB Leipzig aim to strengthen the Leipzig football clubs. You can now become part of the RBL funding initiative!

RB Leipzig offers clubs that want to get involved in the initiative a comprehensive support kit with training materials and access to regular training courses.

In addition, RB Leipzig is also starting targeted collaboration with individual clubs, who will receive additional extensive support, to create additional coaching positions, improve the development and management of their club and offer to promote their top talent.

RB Leipzig U11s.

Johann Plenge, CEO of RB Leipzig eV:

  • "As a club, we have a great social responsibility in our region. With the "RB Leipzig Funding Initiative" we want to give something special back. By using the know-how of our young coaches to support popular sports, getting children excited about exercise, and promoting their development, is one of the main concerns of our association.

    That's why we are particularly pleased that we are expanding and enriching the sport opportunities at daycare centres and primary schools for the new school year."


Manuel Baum, Head of Youth Development at RB Leipzig:

  • "With this unique project, we hope to strengthen football across the entire Leipzig region. This starts with the players, but the further development of the coaches is also of great importance. The better they know the content, the more they can promote talent. 

    A strong Leipzig football region benefits all clubs and also increases the chance that players from here make the leap to the top."
The Leipzig football region needs to be further strengthened.

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