Anders Vejrgang von RBLZ Gaming

BIG. BIGGER. ANDERS: This is how the star of RBLZ Gaming is turning the eSports world upside down.

Anders Vejrgang is the most popular EA FC player in the world. We introduce the RBLZ pro and have exclusively spoken with him - about his impressive career, great successes, and critical voices from the scene.

He polarizes. Captivates. Emotionally engages - all in both directions. Or in other words: Where Anders Vejrgang is, there is everything - except boredom. No other EA FC pro divides the scene as much as the freshly crowned champion in the DFB eTrophy with RBLZ Gaming. In the eSports bubble, everyone has an opinion about RBLZ_Vejrgang, who not only provides discussion material with unique gameplay but also with noticeable celebratory gestures.

Anders Vejrgang wins the DFB eTrophy 2024 with RBLZ Gaming.

Anders_Vejrgang in an interview during the Las Vegas trip.

But who is the person behind the disciplined pro, who has just come of age but has been winning tournaments one after the other for seven years? What makes the player, whom many celebrate and others judge, tick? How does Anders deal with the hustle and bustle surrounding a person and what is behind his cheering, which viewed from the outside seems provocative? You may have asked yourself all these questions before - now you get answers! We spoke with Anders during our spectacular Las Vegas trip.

Vejrgang's Career Path

As Anders himself mentions in the interview: His rocketing rise is no accident. Since he was eleven years old, he has worked hard on himself and his gameplay to become, be, and remain the best. From the beginning, he has had to deal with haters and jealous individuals who tried to belittle him and dictate what he can and cannot do.

"I remember my first smaller tournaments in Denmark," says Anders. "Even then, I was looked at sideways because of my emotional reactions to goals and victories. But that never bothered me - not to this day." Anders has always brushed off negative comments and opinions of others and has followed his own path - one that has been as successful as no other EA FC pro has taken before.

From initial tournament successes in his home country to hundreds of consecutive victories in the Weekend League and winning the FIFAe Club World Cup with RBLZ Gaming, to the status as the only EA FC pro in history to be featured on the Sphere - the world's largest LED ball with a 16K display in Las Vegas: What RBLZ_Vejrgang has achieved at just 18 years old is beyond the imagination of most people. And his unique journey is only just beginning...

Anders Vejrgang in front of and on the Sphere in Las Vegas.

Ages 11 to 18: Anders' Journey on the Timeline


  • Anders first makes a name for himself in tournaments in Denmark, defeating established professionals.


  • At just 14 years old, Anders made waves in the scene. Among other achievements, he defeated the reigning world champion MoAuba 7-0 during a tournament, showcasing his boundless talent.
  • In the same year, Anders takes an important step - he switches from AFG eSports in his home country of Denmark to RBLZ Gaming, thus professionalizing his career. He now embarks on the pursuit of titles alongside RBLZ_Umut & Co.


  • Anders is by now the most sought-after player in the scene. With 535 consecutive wins in the Ultimate Team Weekend League, he sets an unmatched world record that stands to this day.


  • At his offline debut, Anders won the VBL Club Championship with RBLZ Gaming in Cologne, defeating St. Pauli pro Musti 7-0, who at the time was one of the top German players.


  • As he begins his most successful year yet, Anders is voted eSports Team of the Year with RBLZ Gaming.
  • In March, Anders and RBLZ once again secured the trophy at the final of the VBL Club Championship.
  • During the summer in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, the big moment arrives: Anders celebrates with Umut & Co. as they win the FIFAe Club World Cup, crowning himself a world champion for the first time.


  • As part of EA's new World Championship format, Anders reached the final of the FC Pro Open Final Tournament. With a second-place finish, he qualifies directly for the World Cup final in the summer - the FC Pro World Championship.
  • Anders and RBLZ are denied the Three Peat in the VBL Club Championship. However, the runner-up title is yet another major success.
  • Ahead of the inaugural eSports World Cups in the summer, he is seen as the first and only EA FC pro in history on the Sphere in Las Vegas.
  • In the back-to-back title win of RBLZ Gaming in the DFB eTrophy, Anders also contributed significantly to the success. Alongside RBLZ_Umut and RBLZ_Levyfinn, he adds to his collection of trophies.


Anders Vejrgang is only 18 - yet already a phenomenon. While he is still in the midst of his development as a player, Anders is already sweeping up almost everything and making waves worldwide. His next goal: the individual world championship title at the FC Pro World Championship in the summer. Stay tuned...

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